3. Create the Digest

  1. Hash the content of the body with sha256 algorithm using Base64 as output
  2. Concatenate SHA-256= and the string of step 1.


Empty body

If your call has no body, create the Digest using an empty string.

  "flow": "MATCH_CODE",
  "amount_unit": 100,
  "currency": "EUR"
Digest: SHA-256=ZML76UQPYzw5yDTmhySnU1S8nmqGde/jhqOG5rpfVSI=

Code sample 1/4

BODY="{\n  \"flow\": \"MATCH_CODE\",\n  \"amount_unit\": 100,\n  \"currency\": \"EUR\"\n}"

DIGEST="SHA-256="$(echo -e "$BODY\c" | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | base64)
$body = "{
  \"flow\": \"MATCH_CODE\",
  \"amount_unit\": 100,
  \"currency\": \"EUR\"

$digest = "SHA-256=".base64_encode(hash("sha256", $body, true));
const crypto = require('crypto')

const body = `{
  "flow": "MATCH_CODE",
  "amount_unit": 100,
  "currency": "EUR"

const digest = `SHA-256=`.concat(crypto.createHash('sha256').update(body).digest('base64'))

Digest checker

Tool that allow to check the Digest created. Output from this tool and from your code must be the same.